Since I'm new to the blogging world and am still trying to build this blog, you may be seeing a few blog hops. I love finding new blogs that I can't go a day without reading and blog hops are a wonderful way to find just that!
I'm linking up with Noor @ Noor's Place for this blog hop.
Q: What's the worst movie you've ever seen? Give an expert review.
I wracked my brain to come up with the worst movie I've ever seen and it was proven more difficult than I thought. Don't give me wrong, I've seen a lot of terrible movies, but the worst I've ever seen? That's some pressure.
So, I narrowed down to the worst I've seen recently. About a month ago my husband and I were flipping through Netflix and came across the movie Bachelorette. I've flipped through it over and over again and always passed it up. We stopped on it and noticed it had Rebel Wilson in it, so of course, me being a huge Rebel fan, said we have to watch it. I get a few moans from my husband because I mean, look at the title, it screams chick-flick, but he obliged.
We ended up watching the whole thing--but looked at each other every few minutes as if to say, "What the..". It was strange. Funny at parts, but awkwardly serious at others. Just a strange movie we thought. And Rebel wasn't even in it very much and when she was she didn't really have a comedy role. I don't even know what category I would classify this movie under.
Have you seen it? What did you think?
No expectations.
For many years I refused to believe that everything happens for a reason. There are some things, I would tell myself, that just shouldn't happen.
Like a friend of mine dying at 19 years young in a car accident when I was 16 years old.
Like a brand new puppy Ryan and I traveled to bring to our home, dying of pneumonia 6 weeks later because he was born in a puppy mill.
Like my dad, at 63 years old, being diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease and early onset Dementia.
Like a very good friend of mine's husband losing his job from a company he gave 18 years of his life to, without a shred of thought of his family.
Life as a way of humbling you very quickly. For this reason I'm learning to have no expectations and take life as it's handed to you. Stressing about certain things will get me no where, except to a place with more worry and heartache.
Here's to focusing my energy on positive aspects of life and enjoying what's in front of me now.
Like celebrating 4 months of wedded bliss today!
Like my niece turning 7 years young this Sunday!
Like my husband being successful at his new job he started a month ago!
Like having three wonderful dogs that complete my heart.
I hope you have peace in your life and in your heart today and every day forward!
Here's the thing.
I have been fighting with my skin for some time now. My whole life I've always used the same products and never changed anything, even though my skin wasn't responding well.
Only in the last year has it hit me that if I want my skin to look and feel great, it's up to me to buy products that make it look and feel great! I am not one of those girls who has amazing, flawless skin-I have to work at it. So I've really been doing my best at researching and buying products that I (hope) will be good for my skin. I'm also very hesitant to try super new products, because I've never been blown away by most products I've tried. Here's to hoping that's all about to change.
About a year ago I tried using MAC products. Not a whole lot, but just dabbing in and seeing what works. Well, I went to MAC this past weekend...
This makes for a good weekend... |
...and got a few things. I'm so pumped! I picked up the Pro Longwear Concealer, Blot Powder, Powder Blush (in shade desert rose) and the fluidline Eye-Liner Gel (in color Blacktrack). I seriously could have spent another 100 dollars in there if I was given the time. I'm so excited to try these out and see how I like them. And you can't beat their recycling program either, am I right?!
There's something about a girl buying makeup that does the soul good!
There's something about a girl buying makeup that does the soul good!
Still trying to figure out my foundation routine. I can't seem to find a foundation that works with my skin and keeps me matte all day. I have an incredibly oily face and my T-zone could blind you it shines so much sometimes! I've tried Mary-Kay (which is in first place right now, but still looking for something else), MAC (broke out so bad to this!), drugstore. I'm thinking I'm going to try Arbonne next and see what I think of that.
Have you used any foundations you're in love with?
My, oh my, this weekend was busy. When we have such jam packed weekends I find myself longing for a simple weekend of waking up when our bodies tell us its time, my husband drinking coffee (I'm not much of a coffee drinker no matter how hard I try), sitting on the couch until we're ready to start the day. And by "start the day" I mean shower and put on sweat pants. Just keeping it real.
Last weekend was the most perfect weekend. It was a very rainy and dreary weekend so we stayed in and just hung out all weekend. It was awesome. Sunday consisted of putting a huge pot of chili on the stove, baking a homemade cheesecake and watching Breaking Bad (have you seen this show?! OBSESSED...but that's a different post).
Fast forward to this weekend...the exact opposite.
Saturday was my niece's birthday party at The Amazing Pizza Machine. Basically a casino for kids as my husband put it. I cannot believe she is going to be seven years old in 7 days. I literally remember just a few short years ago when she was just learning to talk and walk and now she's in first grade.
She just looks so happy, I love this picture. |
She blew every one of those candles out in one breath, talent!
My husband was a trooper the entire day. Four hours of 194,193 kids running around screaming was quite a lot to deal with, but he was a trooper. He kept saying to me, "how many kids do you want again?" He's in for a ride, let me tell ya. :)
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Sunday was spent at the pumpkin patch with our good friends and their (almost) 4 month old baby. It was the most gorgeous day out so it was perfect to spend at the pumpkin patch. I'm going to be honest, I don't remember going to a pumpkin patch as a child so I never really get excited to go. Admission isn't cheap and forget about buying pumpkins there. You'll pay out the you know what if you do. I think last year was the first year I truly remember going and my friends think I'm crazy because of that. Ryan and I have decided that this will be a family tradition when we are blessed with babies of our own. I hope one day we can make a family trip of our town to walk around the beautiful patch.
Taking a little train ride |
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Baby Scarlett was so good the entire time! |
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Fall weather in Nebraska is beautiful! And take a look at Ryan's left ring finger, ring-less. He forgot his ring at home :/ |
Here's to a wonderful, stress free week. Hoping good things happen!
Let's Do This.
Holy cow, I'm back.
When I started blogging 2 years ago (on a completely different blog), I loved it. It was such a fun outlet for me, unlike anything I've ever done. I started the blog because I wanted to have a way to document my New Year's Resolution: to take one picture a day for 365 days.
I thought it would be so fun to look back on pictures and relive moments from each day. I figured I would take pictures, and write about them on my blog, that way I'm actually using them.
That worked for about 5 months...and then I got tired.
I put so much pressure on myself to be the "blogger" that I lost track of the reason I wanted to take pictures in the first place. I put so much emphasis on how many page views I had a day, how many followers I had, post content, and the list goes on. Instead of just writing to have fun and document my pictures for myself, I equated success with how popular the blog was.
And let's be honest, I had just started a brand new blog, and had never blogged a day in my life, so I definitely didn't have 18,000 followers.
So, here I am, doing this again.
This time, however, I have no expectations of myself, so I can truly enjoy the experience. If I don't post everyday, so be it. If I post everyday, fantastic!
So much has happened in my life in the past two years since I first blogged. I got engaged to my high school sweetheart (ish..), graduated college, and got married.
Life is moving quickly and I am mostly thrilled with where my husband and I are at.
(I say mostly because I would love a new house...but that's a whole 'nother post!)
I am so excited to start blogging again, and to see where this journey takes me! :)
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