
Let's Do This.

Holy cow, I'm back.

When I started blogging 2 years ago (on a completely different blog), I loved it.  It was such a fun outlet for me, unlike anything I've ever done.  I started the blog because I wanted to have a way to document my New Year's Resolution: to take one picture a day for 365 days. 

I thought it would be so fun to look back on pictures and relive moments from each day.  I figured I would take pictures, and write about them on my blog, that way I'm actually using them.

That worked for about 5 months...and then I got tired. 

I put so much pressure on myself to be the "blogger" that I lost track of the reason I wanted to take pictures in the first place.  I put so much emphasis on how many page views I had a day, how many followers I had, post content, and the list goes on.  Instead of just writing to have fun and document my pictures for myself, I equated success with how popular the blog was.

And let's be honest, I had just started a brand new blog, and had never blogged a day in my life, so I definitely didn't have 18,000 followers. 

So, here I am, doing this again.  

This time, however, I have no expectations of myself, so I can truly enjoy the experience.  If I don't post everyday, so be it.  If I post everyday, fantastic!

So much has happened in my life in the past two years since I first blogged.  I got engaged to my high school sweetheart (ish..), graduated college, and got married. 
Life is moving quickly and I am mostly thrilled with where my husband and I are at.
(I say mostly because I would love a new house...but that's a whole 'nother post!)

I am so excited to start blogging again, and to see where this journey takes me! :)

My handsome husband :)

On our honeymoon in Ireland. Absolutely gorgeous.

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