

My, oh my, this weekend was busy.  When we have such jam packed weekends I find myself longing for a simple weekend of waking up when our bodies tell us its time, my husband drinking coffee (I'm not much of a coffee drinker no matter how hard I try), sitting on the couch until we're ready to start the day.  And by "start the day" I mean shower and put on sweat pants.  Just keeping it real.
Last weekend was the most perfect weekend.  It was a very rainy and dreary weekend so we stayed in and just hung out all weekend.  It was awesome.  Sunday consisted of putting a huge pot of chili on the stove, baking a homemade cheesecake and watching Breaking Bad (have you seen this show?! OBSESSED...but that's a different post).
Fast forward to this weekend...the exact opposite.

Saturday was my niece's birthday party at The Amazing Pizza Machine.  Basically a casino for kids as my husband put it.  I cannot believe she is going to be seven years old in 7 days.  I literally remember just a few short years ago when she was just learning to talk and walk and now she's in first grade. 
She just looks so happy, I love this picture.
She blew every one of those candles out in one breath, talent!

My husband was a trooper the entire day.  Four hours of 194,193 kids running around screaming was quite a lot to deal with, but he was a trooper.  He kept saying to me, "how many kids do you want again?" He's in for a ride, let me tell ya. :)
Sunday was spent at the pumpkin patch with our good friends and their (almost) 4 month old baby.  It was the most gorgeous day out so it was perfect to spend at the pumpkin patch.  I'm going to be honest, I don't remember going to a pumpkin patch as a child so I never really get excited to go.  Admission isn't cheap and forget about buying pumpkins there.  You'll pay out the you know what if you do.  I think last year was the first year I truly remember going and my friends think I'm crazy because of that.  Ryan and I have decided that this will be a family tradition when we are blessed with babies of our own.  I hope one day we can make a family trip of our town to walk around the beautiful patch.
Taking a little train ride

Baby Scarlett was so good the entire time!

Fall weather in Nebraska is beautiful! And take a look at Ryan's left ring finger, ring-less.
He forgot his ring at home :/

 Needless to say, we're tired.

Here's to a wonderful, stress free week.  Hoping good things happen!


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